Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The other day Craig had a reminder of why we are here and why we are helping the boys at the Vocational school. At the school they do so much more than just teach the boys a trade. Every day they have a woman from the community who comes in and cooks a hearty snack for the boys. Some of these boys don't get much food at home so this insures they get at least one nutritional snack every day. They give the boys boots and pants to wear to work because again most of them don't have the money for this. The boys attend educational school on Saturdays, so they often end up tutoring them in their school work so they are successful in school as well. And most of all the goal is to show them the love of God through daily actions caring for these boys. The boys are like family and they care for them greatly. They all have different stories and come from different backgrounds, but none of them are plush and easy.
The other day Craig came home and told me a story from his day. One of the boys had been given money to go buy a new pair of pants because his had a long rip in them down the leg. He was very gracious for the money but openly shared his mental struggle. He felt torn whether he should use this money for the pants or for food for his family at home. I can't even imagine how it must have felt for him. He is the kid in he family and he felt the pressures of needing money for food so strongly that he wanted to give up his money for pants to his family for food. This all circles around to the fact that it is so valuable for these boys to learn these trades so that they can break the cycle of poverty and learn how to provide for themselves and their future families. This is one of many stories but what an eye opener for us.

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Awesome! That sounds like such a great ministry. I will be praying for those boys.