Friday, April 03, 2009

Extreme Blowout #1

Oh boy, Josiah had his first extreme blowout today. We have had leaky diapers, but none this extreme. All I can say is I am glad I was at home and Craig was there to help me with clean up. It took all 4 hands to strip him down while containing the mess as much as possible. The poop went all the way up to his neck and actually got in his hair in the back (his hair is quite long so that doesn't help). With a blowout this big a bath is required. Isaac had a good time helping to bathe his brother in the sink!

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Happy Boys!

Isaac loves to lick the beater! But what kid doesn't, right!
Here is Josiah's first smile that I caught on camera. It is even cuter in person if you can believe it! He now is 7 weeks old and weighs 12lbs 14oz (which is exactly what Isaac weighed at 7 weeks) and is starting to make adorable cooing sounds to go along with his adorable smile!