Wednesday, October 24, 2007

New Toy Box!!!

Craig built Isaac a new toy box. We were a little bit worried that he wouldn't be able to get his toys out because of how tall the box is. Within minutes of Craig bringing it in the house Isaac realized he couldn't reach his toys, so he did what he is becoming quite good at, and he climbed right in. Once in the box he came up with a smile informing us how proud he was of his new accompishment.

Future Fireman?!?!?

Being Goofy!

Craig and Isaac are always finding new ways to have fun and be goofy. Here they are hamming it up for the camera while posing from inside Isaac's crib.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Craig and Isaac

Craig gave Isaac a haircut and this time he used the clippers. Isaac did great and was entertained by the small trickle of water coming from the sink.
Isaac helping Craig make PB&J sandwiches.
Isaac is always ecstatic for any opportunity to ride on a tractor. Thanks to his uncle Kyle having a tractor at his house, he got that opportunity the other day!

The Artist and His 1st Masterpiece!

Isaac created his 1st masterpiece with fingerpaints the other day. He liked the paint and enjoyed swirling it around on the paper until he realized it was all over his hands. After that he wasn't so sure what to think about it.

Our little Helper!

Isaac has always loved to be right near Craig and I whenever we are doing things. So now he loves when we ask him to help us. As you can see he even loves doing chores. I wonder how long that will last???