Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Isaac's Accident

So this is the story of how Issac ended up getting 3 stitches in his head yesterday. I (Jennifer) was on my daily morning walk with the kids. They are redoing the outer road around the island and Isaac likes to watch the men work. So after spending some time throwing rocks in the water we were off to see the workers. As they are redoing the road they have made new drainage holes for the rain water and they haven't put grating over them yet. We all new this and have seen these holes every 200 ft along the side of the road. We probably walk past 100 of them every day. Isaac is very aware of them usually because he likes to look down in them. I didn't think anything of him being so close to it because like I said he frequently looks down them and is very cautious. Apparently he didn't see this one and stepped right into it. They are really deep. When he is standing up the hole was still probably 3-4 inches taller than him. He went all the way to the bottom and I think he hit the side of his head at ground level on the way down. It was quite frightening for all of us and produced a lot of screaming from Isaac for the 3 blocks we had to walk to get home. I called Craig to come home because I wanted moral support and also new with to kids I wasn't going to be able to handle the gash in his head alone. First thing when we got home I gave Isaac tylenol and I am glad I did that because I think it eased the pain when we were trying to clean things up. We shaved his head around the wound and cleaned it up pretty good. Craig put the butterfly bandage on his head that you can see in the picture. We thought it looked ok but maybe we should take him to the doctor to check it out just in case. Well that was a good idea because after much screaming from Isaac we left with 3 stitches in his head. I thought I was going to be the one to hold and comfort Isaac through this because Craig does not like blood but I lost it and had to leave and Craig was graced with the strength to sit there holding Issac down and watching him get the stitches. All in all we are good and God protected us from anything worse happening. It is a story we will talk about for a long time I am sure.


Jake said...

What a story he'll have to tell one day! "Yeah, I fell into a hole in Guatemala when I was three. That's why I'm such a tough guy now. . . " I pray Isaac heals up quickly without any complications! Truly, Jake

Holly said...

so sorry about that...i can imagine the three year old drama of it all and i do not envy you! i am glad it all seemed to work out (as much as stitches can be working it out). give the little guy a hug for us!

Keith and Kelly said...

Wow! I would have lost it too! Maybe his new hair style will set a trend. :) Glad God brought you all through that one and that Craig was able to be there.