Saturday, April 17, 2010

Parent teacher conference

Last Sunday Craig got a unique opportunity. He went to what we in the states would call a parent teacher conference for one of the boys at the center. This boy doesn't and has never known his parents. At some point after he was born some exteneded family member said they would take him, when later there marraige fell apart and both this mother and father split. The heart renching part is that both parents then left and he was left in a home with a couple younger siblings where they have lived alone together. And the siblings (which are not really siblings by blood) let him know that he is an outsider. They are sent money to pay for food and the bills but there is no parent living in the house. As I learned this my eyes welled up with tears to know the lives that many kids have here. The kids all have different stories, for so many it is hard and they are forced to grow up quick.
Well, at the schools a parent or adult of some sort is required to come to the school and get the report cards and talk with the teachers. Our friends that run the center have filled in as parents for these types of occasions before. The boy asked them if they would again with what appeared a sadness in his heart because he doesn't have any of his own parents. Thankfully our friends where able to bring a smile to his face as they asked which dad he wanted to come, them, Craig or another gentleman who helps at the center. She told him he is not short on dads that are willing to go to his school and he could choose which one he wanted to go. So Craig and our friend Bio went together with him. What a blessing it was to be able to love and support this boy in such tangible yet simple way. What a blessing it was to us to be reminded of the many blessings we have, especially in the area of family. We have a wonderful loving family that would do anything for us and for that we are eternally thankful. Thank you to all our family. You mean the world to us. And thank you to all our friends that we love like family because we wouldn't be who we are with out you either.

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