Monday, April 05, 2010


This year Easter was a bit different for our family but maybe one of the the most personal and amazing. We got together with several other missionaries at our friends house and had our own service and shared lunch together. There were 11 people from all over the world. We represented US, Albania, Brazil and Guatemala. Three different languages were spoken (Spanish, English, and Portugese). We were able to worship our creator and Savior in a way I have never seen. If I am honest, I struggeled at first to be present. I had 2 kids who were distracting me. They were running around making noise and I was trying to keep them quiet and contained so they wouldn't distract me and everyone else. I was ready to just give up and go home and feed the kids PB&J. Thankfully I took a step back and relaxed. I gave up on trying to have the perfect kids that sit still and quietly. They were being fairly well behaved and relatively quiet and that was going to have to do. I sat back and truly listened to the words that were being spoken and it hit my heart like a rock that I was so distracted I wasn't even seeing that this was a joyous day to be celebrated. All that Christ did, he did for me. All that I am is because of Him. All that I have is a gift from Him. All that I long for is Him. I pray that each day that I would be filled with great joy knowing this and that Christ would be glorified through my life. Prophecy was fulfilled on this wonderful day down to the smallest of details, and for that I am eternally thankful!


Keith and Kelly said...

I'm with you - it's hard to just relax. Parenting can be a great distraction if we let it. So glad you were able to focus and worship. Love ya!

Betty said...

Hola familia:

Como esta? Yo gusto su "blog".

Con much amor Abula Betty