Thursday, June 17, 2010

School Project

In an earlier post I had shared how a local school had been set fire by some gang members. Now Craig and some of the boys form the center are working on fixing all that was damaged by the fire (pictures below). Craig is the head guy on this project because he has a background in carpentry. It has been going well and the boys are learning a new skill. The carpentry they have done up to this point has been making furniture and things like that. It has been a new challenge for Craig , but a good one. Starting this Sunday he will be flying solo at the school because our friends that run the program will be gone to the states for 3 weeks. He has been given permission to teach whatever he wants after they finish this school project. Pray that he would not be to stressed over this new responsibility and that his communication with the boys would be good even with the language barrier.


DP said...

Hey you guys! Great picutures! I guess those boys will be boys and get a few scares to prove it - funny how we seem to need to learn from pain. :) You're doing a great job of raising those boys and it's a wonderful adventure your on - for your family, for God, for the folks you're ministering to and for those of us who are cheering you on.

Cecil and Lodine Pratt said...

Looks like you are doing well on the school project.

Cecil and Lodine Pratt said...

Craig, I think you will do just fine with the boys while Bio and family are gone. It will probably be a little streaching, but you will do fine. 8-)