Sunday, May 09, 2010

Weekend Getaway!

A beautiful view of the sunset from near the pool. My how amazingly beautiful a sunset can be!

Isaac got these new swimming muscles for flotation. He loved them because they allowed him to swim anywhere in the pool, including the deep end, by himself. Apparently I didn't get a picture of him in the water though.

Napping poolside with Josiah. Don't be fooled though, there is a nice layer of sweat between us because it was sooooo hot out!

Josiah jumping into the water.

Last weekend was a holiday here so we took advantage and snuck away for a night to a hotel down the lake from us. It was beautiful with serene gardens and a pool in woods. It was great to have some down time. Honestly most of the time we were there we spent it in the pool because it was record breaking hot, but boy were we thankful for the pool. We had the pool to ourselves pretty much the whole time we were there and we loved every minute of it!


Joshs_Rebekah said...

Hey Craig and Jennifer!

I finally got around to reading Josh ALL of your Guatemala posts. Highly interesting, and exciting for you!

Love Josh and Rebekah

P.S. Don't know if you saw on facebook, but we will be having #4 in the beginning of December!

Unknown said...

Koen took Lili's toy phone yesterday (which is another story), and 'answered' it. It went something like this, "OH! HI ISAAC! YOU ARE COMING HOME!!!!?" Putting the phone down with his hand over the receiver, "PAPA!! ISAAC IS COMING HOME!!!"

Hope you all had fun on your little vacation. You are all so tan!

Keith and Kelly said...

Looks like a nice place. I'm glad you got to relax a bit and cool off. :)