Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Isaac's artistic side

Issac had a blast painting his pumpkin. Who knew we had such a budding artist on hand.

It's Fall!

We have had fun this fall doing all kinds of fun things. We were able to harvest lots of carrots from our Garden and apples from our mini orchard. Isaac enjoyed helping us peel, core and slice our apples for the dehydrator. We also had fun going to the pumpkin patch to find just the right pumpkin.

The Belly!

So here is the latest (well maybe I should say only) picture of the growing baby in my belly. I am 24 weeks along with 16 more to go. I seem to be carrying this baby just like I did Isaac, straight out and low. At this point I will grow out of my maternity clothes substatially before the baby is born. Yes, that is possible, I did it with Isaac. I must say it is quite amazing to try on maternity clothes and they are big with "lots" of room to grow and then realize a few months later that they are getting snug and small. As much as I joke about how big my belly is, it is one of my favorite parts of pregnancy. I love the crazy reactions people give me when they think I should be due soon and I tell them I am just over half way. I also love to feel the baby move. And this baby move A LOT!!! All of my regular check ups with my midwife have been going well and everything is looking good for a healthy baby. Thank you LORD for this wonderful blessing!