Saturday, August 08, 2009

My big boys!

When did our boys get so big. Today Josiah turned 6 months old. He has grown up so fast, especially this last month. He now can sit up by himself and is totally entertained by his big brother. It is wonderful to see, but amazing how fast it all happens. And today we took Isaac to REI to climb the rock. Craig has been waiting for this day. He had already spent the last 6 months looking for a climbing harness for Isaac. Isaac had fun. He climbed about 10 feet up and then decided he was done. We spent time waiting and watching others climb thinking he would do it again but afer 15 minutes he declared he was done and ready to take the harness off. Oh well, he had fun and says he will do it again. So it was successful and entertaining for all.

Visiting Papa and Nana Pratt

We drove to Hungry Horse MOntana to visit Papa and Nana Pratt at the cabin. So here are some fun pictures of them playing with the kids and Craig and Papa preping the cabin for siding.


We just got back from a trip to Montana and Spokane to visit family. Here are some of our favorite pictures of the cousins together. They are mostly if Issac and Elias but in the bathtub we have Kendrick and Josiah as well.