Well, were do we start. Sometimes I look at my life and wonder how I got here, not in a bad way, but I just wonder how I got old enough to be married and then have 2 kids of my own?!?! What a blessing it has been, but not without challenges and change along the way. Some of the change happened instantly upon having kids and some has come gradually. Here are some of the things I have learned:
*I never imagined I would be sooo excited to wash my hair AND shave my legs in the same shower. And if I was exceptionally lucky there would be no screaming kids right outside the tub.
*Who knew going to the park would be a highlight for me. Isaac loves it and makes friends easily, and I know that i will be taking home a tired kiddo which means a good nap (anything for a good nap).
*Never did I imagine that Craig and I as 2 introverts would have a full on extrovert (maybe 2) for children. I do love it though because they keep us highly entertained.
*I never thought I could go this long with so little sleep. I long for the day that I will get more than 5 hrs uninterrupted sleep (We are still working on Josiah's sleep issues).
*I never new how selfish and impatient I was until I had a toddler. I am getting a bit better here but still have a ways to go.
*I never imagined I could have so much fun watching a child learn and discover new things daily. Their pure joy and delight in the simplest of things is so awesome to watch.
*I never knew I would rejoice out loud and call all my friends and family when my child was potty trained (just happened for Isaac!!!)
*I never knew how much love I could experience through my wonderfull husband and amazing children.
Through all the difficult times and changes that have come in my life the last 5 years I have had to learn and grow, but I am thankful for the experience and wouldn't change any of it if I could (ok maybe I would like more sleep, but that is it!!!) I love my husband more than words express. My kids bring me great joy every day. And I feel blessed to have a God that loves me and my family more than I could ever imagine. I have my ups and downs each day, but I love this grand adventure of life that I get to be a part of.