Monday, June 22, 2009

Visiting the INTEGRITY

We got the opportunity to go visit some of our old friends from the ship ministry we were involved with "Friend Ships". They are here in Seattle picking up a new ship, the "INTEGRITY". We got to help them move into dry dock to do a little work on the ship before they sail south. These pictures are of Isaac with the ship in the background.

Oh so cute!

Olives on the fingers!

Isaac's best friends

These are Isaac's best friends. (Pic. Koen, Isaac, Gavin) We pray for them every night thanking God for our good friends. How blessed we are to have good friends (and the moms are all great friends to).

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Isaac, Josiah, Olivia & Brooklyn

This is Isaac and Josiah with their cousins Olivia and Brroklyn How fun to see them together and we hope we can get together again soon!

Hike to Wallace Falls

This was a great hike! It is just under 2 miles each way. Isaac hiked the whole way up by himself and then at least half of the way down. This was great because he is getting to heavy to carry for very long. It probably helped that his best friend Koen was there to talk to for the hike! All in all a great time!!!

Time with Papa and Nana Pratt

The boys!

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

New Josiah pics

He is almost 4 months old now. I am not sure how that happened so quickly but he is getting more fun all the time. He loves to be upright, especially standing (with our help for balance of course). He is really strong like his big brother was. Just thought you might want to see how quickly our adorable boy is growing up.