Thursday, May 17, 2007

I know how to point!

Isaac has discovered that pointing helps let us know what he wants or is talking about. So now he points at everything and jabbers away truly trying to tell me something (although I usually have no idea what he is saying). His words are limited to Mama, Uh Oh, and occasionally Dada. The fact that we can't understand him has definitely not slowed the jabbing at all. We are quite entertained because he is very animated as you can see in this picture. Hands fly, eyebrows go up and down, and he contorts his mouth in amazing ways creating the funniest sounds. Does it sound like we have fun with him? Well we do. He keeps us laughing all the time!


Here are our playgroup friends. Isaac is the one second from the right, and yes he is being a bully and pushing poor Jasmine. He is quite opinionated these days and is not shy about telling (or using phsical force) to express what he thinks. So we are working on what is okay and what is not. My baby is turning into a toddler?!?!?

Great Northern Mountain

This is just a great picture of Great Northern Mountain from the Pratt's backyard in Montana. What a gorgeous site.

Surprise Montana Visit

Well we pulled off a wonderful surprise for Craig's mom. She didn't know we were coming and was shocked when Craig, Isaac, and I walked up with Craig's brother, his wife and son. The whole family was together. We had a wonderful weekend and were able to celebrate a late birthday for Craig's mom and an early Mother's day. The weather was beautiful so we were able to sit around a bonfire several nights and enjoy time talking as a family.