Monday, October 30, 2006

I'm a Frog!

Look at me! I am a frog sitting with my pumpkin I picked out at the pumpkin patch. Life is fun!
Today Isaac got to have his first bites of rice cereal. He seemed to enjoy it a lot even though it ended up all over his face and hands. So long for now!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

4 month check-up

We took Isaac in on the 24th for his 4 month check-up. We knew that he was getting bigger and suspected that he was over 16lbs, but we were still shocked to hear his actual weight of 17lbs 4oz. He is also extremely tall at 26 and 3/4 inches. This puts him in mostly 6-9 month old clothes. As he grows bigger he is also getting stronger. Last week he started rolling over from his belly to his back. He doesn't do it all the time, but I know this is the beginning of a new stage. Soon I won't be able to leave him on the floor and have him stay there. Although it is sad to say good-bye to the small baby, it brings us great joy to watch as he learns how to do new things.
I know that all of our updates revolve around Isaac, but what he does is often the highlight of our days. Craig is still working for 2 different tree service companies in the Snohomish and Arlington area. One of his bosses recently discovered Craig's skill in carpentry. This has been a blessing for his boss as he also is a contractor and needs another carpenter from time to time. So Craig is getting a little bit of variety in the work he does which is also nice. As far as things go for me, Isaac is my life. I have also been blessed to have my best friend from college move back into this area. So I have been enjoying getting to spend time with her and her family. Thank you all for taking interest in our family. We feel blessed to have such wonderful family and friends.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Pumpkin Patch

Today we went to Remlinger Farms Pumpkin Patch. Isaac picked out his first pumpkin. It was a beautiful day in Washington as you can see in the pictures. You can't tell very well in these pictures but Isaac has his pumpkin slippers and shirt on. He was dressed for the occasion. We finished our visit at the farm with a walk through the market where we purchased some frozen berries for smoothies and a fresh made caramel apple that was delicious!!!! Oh, and in the picture on the left, Isaac is sitting by himself on a pumpkin. He was able to balance himself by holding on to the stem of the other pumpkin. He is getting stronger every day. He has also recently discovered his thumb. In the past he tried to suck on his whole fist. It seems to satisfy him much more now that he can focus on one (or maybe two) fingers at a time.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Nap Time

We just had to add this picture of Isaac taking a nap. He is so fun! He is now 16 weeks old!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Here is Isaac on his first bulldozer ride with his dad. Craig was leveling out some land for my brother Kyle at his new house in Ranier, WA. Of course being the son of Craig he had to get up on the bulldozer and go for a ride. Isaac is 15 weeks old in these pictures.

We will be posting pictures of Isaac and exciting things that we do. So here is our first exciting picture of Isaac. He is 14 weeks old here!

Our new blog site

Hello to all our friends and family. We are doing well. We have decided to create a blog site to keep you all up date on things that are going on in our life. We hope you enjoy this.